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Pre-school Chinese

Tse, S. K., Li, H., & Leung, S. O. (2007). The acquisition of Cantonese classifiers by preschool children in Hong Kong. Journal of Child Language, 34(3), 495-517. DOI: 10.1017/S0305000906007975.



Tse, S. K., Chan, C., & Li, H. (2005). Is the expressive vocabulary of young Cantonese speaker noun or verb dominated? Early Child Development and Care, 175(3), 215-227. DOI: 10.1080/0300443042000244028.



Tse, S. K., Chan, C., Kwong, S. M. & Li, H. (2002). Sex differences in syntactic development: Evidence from Cantonese-speaking pre-schoolers in Hong Kong. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 26, 509-517.



Tse, S.K., Pang, E.Y.W., Chow, K.W., Ki, W.W., Lam, W.I. (2021). What Empowers Ethnic Minority Parents to Change towards Supporting Their Children's Learning of Chinese in a Hong Kong Home-School-Community Project. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 9(5), 149-167. DOI: 10.4236/jss.2021.95012.


幼兒中文, 第二語文學習

Tse, S.K., To, H., Tsui, P.F., Laing, V., Wu, K.F. & Lam, L.S. (2021). The Roles of Multilingual Learning Facilitators in Assisting Non-Chinese-Speaking Students in Learning Chinese in Hong Kong: An Exploratory Study. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 494-509. doi: 10.4236/jss.2021.91035.


幼兒中文, 第二語文學習

Tse, S.K., Pang, E.Y.W., To, H., Tsui, P.F. & Lam, L.S. (2021). Professional Capacity Building of Multicultural Teaching Assistants in Hong Kong Kindergartens with Ethnic Minority Children. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 12(2), 234-244. DOI: 10.17507/jltr.1202.03


幼兒中文, 第二語文學習

Tse, S.K., Tsui, P.F., To, H., Wu, K.F., Laing, V. & Lam, L.S. (2021). An Investigation into Effective Ways to Involve Ethnic Minority Parents to Enhance the Chinese Learning of Their Children. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 9(2). DOI: 10.4236/jss.2021.92009


幼兒中文, 第二語文學習, 教學研究

Tse, S.K., Leung, C.Y., Tsui, P.F., Chan, K.Y., Kwok, M.C. (2021). A Longitudinal Investigation into the Chinese Language Development of Non-Chinese Speaking Preschoolers in Hong Kong. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 12(1), 183-193.


幼兒中文, 第二語文學習

Tse, S.K., Wong, M.Y., Laing, V., Wu, K.F., Tsui, P.F., To, H. & Lam, L.S. (2020). Teaching and Learning of Chinese Language: Principles and Strategies to cater for learning diversity. Journal of International Han-character Education Research, 3(1), 37-57.


教法, 幼兒中文, 第二語文學習

Tse, S. K., Pang, E. Y. W., To, H., Tsui, P. F. & Lam, L. S. (2020). The impact of medium of instruction on Hong Kong non-Chinese speaking kindergarten children's learning Chinese. International Journal of Early Years Education.


教學語言, 幼兒中文, 第二語文學習

Tse, S.K., To, H., Pang, E.Y.W., Tsui, P.K., Lam, L.S., Laing, V., & Wu, K.F. (2020). Using the Home-School-Community Model to Enhance the Chinese Language Proficiency of Non-Chinese Speaking Children. Creative Education, 11(10). doi: 10.4236/ce.2020.1110151.


幼兒中文, 第二語文學習

Tse, S.K., Lee, T.N., Wu, K.F., Leung, C.Y., Lam, L. S. & Laing, V. (2020). Effective Teaching of Chinese for Multicultural Preschoolers: Theory and Practice. Journal of International Han-character Education Research, 2(1), 59-87. doi: 10.36523/HERC.2020.2.1.59.


幼兒中文, 第二語文學習

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