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Wong, W.M., Tse, S. K., Law, N., & Ki, W.W. (1996). Implementation of computer-based training for reading and comprehension in Chinese programme in secondary classrooms: a case study. Curriculum Forum, 5, 66-72.


IT學中文, 閱讀, 教學研究

Tse, S.K., Ki, W.W., Law, N.W.Y. & Lau, M.K. (1995). Using computers for promoting Chinese language comprehension: training, diagnosis and evaluation. Curriculum Forum, 5(1), 28-40.


IT學中文, 閱讀, 評估

Tse, S.K. & Wong, K.C. (1995). A study of the new method of teaching writing: guided fantasy. Curriculum Forum, 4(2), 73-84.


寫作, 閱讀, 教法

Tse, S.K. (1990). Teaching reading strategies. Hong Kong Reading Association Newsletter, 15, 3-4.


閱讀, 教法

Tse, S.K. (1987). The relationship between reading and writing. Reading Association Newsletters, 9, 4-7.


閱讀, 寫作

Tse, S.K. (1987). Reading assessment. Reading Association Newsletters, 11, 3.


閱讀, 評估

Lam, R. Y. H., Tse, S. K., Lam, J. W. I., & Loh, E. K. Y. (2010). Does the gender of the teacher matter in the teaching of reading literacy? Teacher gender and pupil attainment in reading literacy in Hong Kong. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 754-759. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2009.10.010.


閱讀, 教學研究

Tse, S.K. & Ko, H.W. (2009). The learning and teaching of reading literacy of Chinese students in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Guest Editors' Introduction. Journal of Chinese Education & Society, 42(3), 3-5. doi: 10.2753/CED1061-1932420300.



Cheung, W. M., Tse, S. K., Lam, J. W. I., & Loh, E. K. Y. (2009). Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2006 (PIRLS): pedagogical correlates of fourth-grade students in Hong Kong. Journal of Research in Reading, 32(3), 293-308.


閱讀, 評估, 教法

Tse, S. K., Lam, R. Y. H., Loh, E. K. Y., Lam, J. W. I.., Ip, O. K. M., & Chan, Y. M. (2009). English-Speaking Foreign Domestic Helpers and Students’ English Reading Attainment in Hong Kong. Chinese Education and Society, 42(3), 49-65. doi: 10.2753/CED1061-1932420303.


閱讀, 教學研究

Loh, E. K. Y & Tse, S.K. (2009). The Relationship between Motivation to Read Chinese and English and its Impact on the Chinese and English Reading Performance of Chinese Students. Chinese Education and Society, 42(3), 66-90.


閱讀, 教學研究

Leong, C.K., Tse, S. K. , Loh, E.K.Y., Hau, K.T. (2008). Text Comprehension in Chinese Children: Relative Contribution of Verbal Working Memory, Pseudoword Reading, Rapid Automatized Naming and Onset-Rime Phonological Segmentation. Journal of Education Psychology, 100(1), 135-149.


識字, 閱讀, 教學研究

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