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Tse, S.K. & Shum, W.C. (1995). A study on the classification of types of writing of Chinese language text-book writers. Educational Research Journal, 10(1), 67-72.

課程, 寫作


A study on the classification of types of writing of Chinese language text-book writers


Educational Research Journal




Vol. 10
No. 1


Shek Kam TSE, W.C. SHUM


Secondary school students in Hong Kong have to identify and to learn to write six types of writing in Chinese (The Chinese Language Syllabus for Secondary Schools, 1990; Hong Kong School Certificate Exam. Regulation and Syllabus, 1994). The traditional sixfold division of writing has been a major factor in determining the writing curriculum of the Chinese Language. The present researchers have studied the classification system of types of writing in Chinese Language text books. It was found that the writers of ten series of text books have different classification system of types of prescribed text. Out of 128 pieces of writing, only four pieces are classified in the same category. The discrepancy of classification is very great (the mean difference is 3.8 per text). This causes a lot of confusion in learning and teaching. It is high time for curriculum developers of Chinese Language to devise a more satisfactory and relevant way of looking at types of writing.


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